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We will not answer questions that relate directly to your pregnancy. We encourage you to contact your healthcare provider for inquiries related to your personal health and pregnancy.

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Questions we’ve been asked . . .

 How does a multiple pregnancy occur? 

The babies may come from a single egg that divides after fertilization, or more than one egg may be fertilized. A multiple pregnancy may occur because of the use of fertility drugs and the number of women having babies at an older age.

I take thyroid medication. Is it necessary during pregnancy?

 Yes, it’s very important to continue taking thyroid medication throughout your pregnancy. Be sure your doctor knows which medications you take.

Why is thyroid medication important in pregnancy?

Thyroid hormone affects your entire body and is important in your metabolism. Thyroid hormone is also important in your ability to get pregnant.

Everyone tells me I’m too big. What’s wrong?

Before you become overly concerned, discuss it with your doctor. Friends may say you’re too big or too small; probably nothing is wrong. Women and babies are different sizes and grow at different rates. What is of greatest importance is the continual change and continual growth of the fetus.

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